霍尼韋爾Marathon FX1便攜式工業計算機綜合所有關鍵特性及通訊功能,滿足移動工作者對IP65級堅固型數據終端的期待。重量僅1公斤、厚度只有3.3cm的外形構造使Marathon的移動操作非常方便。內置Summit公司的802.11 a/b/g/n無線網卡及藍牙無線技術,使它能與您的網絡和外圍設備輕松連接。采用Atom處理器,搭載Microsoft? Windows? XP 或 Windows? 7操作系統,Marathon將為您呈現卓越的技術體驗。

Marathon便攜式工業計算機 Accessories
FX1002DSKDOCK - Marathon desk dock, includes power supply and US power cord
FX1003DSKDOCK - Marathon desk dock, includes power supply, C14 type power cord required
FX1005VMDOCK - Marathon vehicle dock
FX1385CHARGER - Marathon 4 unit extended battery charger for use with FX1381BATTERY and FX1382BATTERY, includes power supply and US power cord
FX1386CHARGER - Marathon 4 unit extended battery charger for use with FX1381BATTERY and FX1382BATTERY, includes power supply, C14 type power cord required
FX1301PWRSPLY - Marathon AC/DC power supply with US cord
FX1302PWRSPLY - Marathon AC/DC power supply, C14 type power cord required
FX1311PWRSPLY - Marathon 12V DC input to 19V DC output automobile power adapter (cigarette adapter )
FX1312PWRSPLY - Marathon 12V DC input to 12V DC output automobile power adapter (cigarette adapter) for use with FX1005VMDOCK
FX1070CABLE - Power adapter cable, Bare Wire, 12-36VDC for use with FX1005VMDOCK
FX1381BATTERY - Marathon 42Whr extended battery, Lithium Ion
FX1382BATTERY - Marathon 62Whr extended battery, Lithium Ion
FX1051CABLE - Marathon USB and Ethernet adapter cable for use with FX1005VMDOCK
FX1501IMAGER - Marathon 2D imager (SE4500) add-on peripheral
FX1410CASE - Marathon carry case, includes shoulder strap. Works with FX1381BATTERY and FX1382BATTERY
FX1401HANDSTRAP - Marathon hand strap, including hardware
FX1420SHDSTRAP - Marathon shoulder strap, including hardware
FX1530LCDFILM - Removable touch screen protective film with anti-glare coating, 10 pack
FX1520STYLUS - Stylus Kit with tethers, 10 pack
艾韋迅IVYSUN是霍尼韋爾honeywell手持機的中國區核心經銷商,貨源充足、確保正品。專業的霍尼韋爾honeywell數據采集器產品技術服務團隊,確保您采購使用無后顧之憂!購買國際品牌掃描器,請認準技術型服務商:艾韋迅IVYSUN (http://m.ahyjs.cn)。
Marathon便攜式工業計算機 Features and Benefits
取代多個設備: 無需同時配置手持設備和筆記本電腦或臺式電腦,減少了購置和維護成本;與桌面擴展塢(desk dock)結合使用,可取代臺式或筆記本式電腦;在單獨使用時,它就是一個擁有數據采集功能和輕便人體工學設計的便攜設備
網絡兼容性強: 可非常簡單地集成基于 Microsoft? Windows的應用和管理系統,節約時間和資源
優異的人體工學原理: 0.99公斤的重量及33毫米厚度的設計提升了使用的便捷性和工作效率
多種數據采集: 通過QWERTY全鍵盤、觸摸屏、指紋識別鼠標、攝像頭和可選的2D影像掃描頭,進行現場異常記錄和報告歸檔
高清屏幕: 7英寸觸摸屏能夠清晰呈現電路圖、詳細圖紙、績效示意圖、或現場相關的表格和倉庫管理系統界面,而無需過多滾動屏幕,提高效率;從低亮度環境到最明亮的陽光下,在任何光照條件下都能很好地顯示
堅固耐用: 可承受1.2m摔落,防塵防水IP65工業等級、堅固抗震大容量固態硬盤降低了總體擁有成本,在最惡劣的環境中更穩定可靠使用